So this is kind of an odd tale … there is someone falsely claiming to be a lawyer representing Nintendo and going after YouTubers for “Let’s Play” videos (playing through entire games on camera).
That’s weird, right? And the way DMCAs are submitted, it is on the defendant to prove they are not infringing … and play-throughs kinda sorta are infringement, but ones video game makers don’t mind as it is also free advertising. So how do you fight against a technically correct DMCA Violation Notice? Find a crack in it. For a DMCA Violation Notice to be correct, it must be sent by, or by a designated agent on behalf of, the copyright holder. Prove it was sent by someone not designated, and you can fight back. A very interesting read. And also, who is this person? And more importantly, WHY are they sending takedown notices for Nintendo without permission?
PS AI Image brought to you by “Nintendo play-through in the style of an 8-bit game”. No IP in this training data, not a onnnnnnne.