AI Music Companies Say Making Music is No Fun

Suno CEO says artists are tired of having to learn to make art and would rather just click a button instead. And I threw up in my mouth a little bit. #suno #ai #music

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In another WOW, AI company Suno –which built its product on the backs of every great artist that previously existed, without consent nor compensation– made headlines when its CEO said that musicians really didn’t enjoy creating music because you have to learn how to play music and stuff. This is par for the course for someone who believes stealing the work of those who spent the time to be great should come for free and that being human and doing stuff is for losers.

I, for one, look forward to people realizing how much of AI these days is just complete worthless crap, like the NFT bubble, or whatever that streaming networks that created 2 minute video episode series. Sure, let’s use AI to find a cure for cancer. Make more efficient packaging or come up with solutions to prevent environmental disasters, but do we really need AI to replace human artists? Like who asked for that (other than people who never had an actual artistic bone in their body)? What a waste.

PS Gen AI featured image “Craposphere” brought to you by “Actually, something that looks like a glowing turd planet with the word ‘craposphere’ on it kinda works”.

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