We specialize in sending out DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Violation Notices to ​protect your copyrighted content. Under U.S. law, if someone posts your copyrighted work ​online, they aren't liable for the infringement until you notify them. That’s where DMCA ​Violation Notices come in—they’re the official way for copyright holders to inform websites ​about unauthorized use of their work.

These notices need to be properly formatted and sent to the right contacts to be effective. ​We handle all of this for you, making sure your notice reaches the correct website ​administrator. If the notice is ignored, we automatically escalate the situation by sending the ​notice to the Website Hosting Provider, who can take further action under their own terms of ​service.

This streamlined process ensures that your rights are protected efficiently and effectively.

Unfortunately not. The DMCA is a US Law, and through International Trade Agreements, most ​countries follow US IP Law violations, but others are not so compliant. If a Website Hosting Provider ​has servers solely located in certain countries, they may outright ignore the DMCA while others will ​require a court document signed by a judge in order to remove a single URL with an infringement.

We’ve encountered some frustrating situations with these non-compliant providers. Just know that ​we’re well-versed in handling these challenges and will do our best to protect your rights.

It doesn’t end there—Copyright Slap keeps fighting. We don’t just stop at sending DMCA ​notices. We have strong relationships with various agencies and organizations that ​specialize in taking down entire piracy-centered domains. While this process can take more ​time, we ensure that these stubborn sites are flagged as bad actors and pursued through ​multi-national and legal actions.

Yes and no. We get it—there's no perfect answer. Our system is like a highly efficient whack-​a-mole player, constantly targeting infringing URLs. We also collaborate with agencies and ​organizations to go after larger offenders. However, no solution is 100%. Some sites may ​refuse to remove infringements, and only so many domains can be taken down through ​external measures in a given timeframe.

Copyright Slap is constantly innovating and releasing new features to help our users combat ​online piracy more effectively. We understand that this fight is always evolving, and we're committed ​to staying ahead of the curve. Our goal is to equip you with the tools you need to protect your brand, ​drive traffic to legitimate, revenue-generating sites, and provide resources for taking further action ​when necessary. We're here to ensure you're always one step ahead in safeguarding your content.

Yes. As episodic series or subscription-based handles cover multiple videos or images within a single title, with frequent new releases, we setup a special subscription to cover this type of content. If interested in coverage, please reach out directly so that we can get more information about your needs and supply you with an appropriate quote.

100%. Just like any other published work, you can select "Literary Work" under the content type and we will help you take down pirated content on sites that get a copy of your work and then rebrand it to sell it as their own.

The DMCA covers stolen IP. Etsy even requires users to submit DMCA Violation Notices as a means to deal with piracy of their creations. Don't take our word for it, read Etsy's Page on it.

  1. Sign up [FREE]
  2. Start a monthly subscription and select the number of titles you want to protect [$20/mth per title. ​After 5 titles, the price per title decreases.]
  3. Activate your Title

Check out our “How it Works” section for more details.

We’re always happy to answer any questions! You can contact us by clicking the form ​below.

Our subscription service is on 30-day cycles. If you accidentally pay for a subscription and inform us within 24-hours of the purchase, and have not sent any takedowns, we are able to refund the full amount. If you are outside of the 24-hour window or have used our services, you can cancel the subscription and you will be able to use the site for the full 30-days and then the subscription will automatically end and you will not be further charged.